Kurdish and Anatolian Languages (Hittite, Luwian, Lycian & Lydian)

Indo-EuropeanKurdishCommon AnatolianHittiteLuwianLycianLydian
*egni- (fire)agiragniš
*bhrátér- (a brother)brabrafr-
*do- (to give, to take, exchange)da*da-
*daru - tree, *deru- (firm, solid, a tree)dar*darutaru-tarweja-
*deiwo-, *dyeu- (god of sky)dêw*diu-
*ekw-, *akw- (water, to drink)Vexwar-(in)*ekw-ekw-ahw-
*g'enu- (a knee, a clan)çeng, çen (with angle)*genu- a knee
*gwen- (a wife, a woman, queen)jin, gyn*gwana - a woman
*Hap- (water)av, av*hap - a river, a streamhapa-hapi-
*kost-, *ost- (a bone)hestî, estî*hasta - a bonehastijas
*owi- (sheep), avis (pregnant)*hawa - a sheephawi-
*kes- (to scratch)kêr(kirin)*kes - to scratch kiša-
*gwhen- (to kill)-kuj-*khwen - to beat, to hitkinu-
*bherg- (high)berz*phrokhu - highparku-parrai-
pl-t- (wide, full)fireh*ploha - widepalhi-palha-
serser/sarašarri- (big)hrisarra
sreu- (to flow, to swim)şir- (purl of water)*srei - to flowsarlata- (libation)
sta- (to stand)-stan (place, as in Kurdistan)*sta - to stand
*newo-nû (new)newa-
*ster-stêršittar (a star)
baş, weş (good)wasu (the good)
*ner-, *aner-t- (man's strength)nêr (male)innari- (strength)annarummi- (strong)
*ebho- (that)ev, eve (this)apa-apa-(this,that)ebe- (this, he, that)
paşappaappa- (back, backwards)
*per-pêş, berpere (forward)
*kwi- (relative pronoun)ku (that, which)kui-kui- (which, that)qi-, qy-
*n- (not)na-, ni-, ne-ni-, niš- (not; negative particle)
*part- 'to divide'perçeparta- (part of a body)
*ped- (a foot)pî, papata-pati- (a foot)
*mé (me, my)min (I'm), em (us)ammel (my)amu, êmu, êmi, -mu (I, me, my)êmi- (my)
*bhru (log, beam, wooden causeway)pir, pird, koprî (bridge)pri-fra- (across, through, by-)
mêr (man)mari- (man, warrior)mireñ- (man), mari- (man, warrior)
*duwo, *dwo' (two)dutuwa- (two)tuwa (two)
şer (fight)sarh- (to attack)sarhija-zrqqi- (to fight, to attack)
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