
Definition of çerx

wheel, period, cycle, circle, cylinder

Other forms

çarx, charkh, çerq, çark


From Avestan caraiti "applies himself", c'axra "chariot, wagon", skarenayå [skarena] circular, round.

Proto-Indo-European root *kwel- *kwelə- meaning "revolve, move round; sojourn, dwell" or PIE root *kers- "to run".

Sanskrit cakram "circle, wheel", carati "he moves, wanders",
Greek kyklos "circle", -khouros "running",
Persian çarχ چرخ "wheel",
Latin currere "to run, move quickly",
Lithuanian karšiu, karšti "go quickly",
Old Irish and Middle Welsh carr "cart, wagon",
Breton karr "chariot",
Welsh carrog "torrent",
Old Norse horskr "swift".

Related words and phrases

car, career, cargo, caricature, cark, carpenter, carriage, carrier, carry, cart, charabanc, charette, charge, chariot, concourse, concur, concurrent, corral, corridor, corsair, courant, courier, course, currency, current, curriculum, cursive, cursor, cursory, discharge, discourse, encharge, excursion, hussar, incur, intercourse, kraal, miscarry, occur, precursor, recourse, recur, succor.

Updated on July 1, 2023

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