pir (1)

Definition of pir (1)

much, foremost, many, to a high degree, very

Other forms

Example Sentences

- Gava wî ez dîtim, ew pir şa = He gave me a very warm and hearty welcome;
- Ez pir birçî me = I'm very hungry


*pelə-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to fill".

from Avestan paoiri, paoirîsh, perena,
Sanskrit purvi "much", prayah "mostly",
Sgdian pwrn, purn, pwn;
Old Persian paru "much",
Greek polys "much, many", plethos "people, multitude, great number", ploutos "wealth",
Latin plus "more", plenus "full",
Lithuanian pilus "full, abundant",
Old Church Slavonic plunu,
Gothic filu "much",
Old Norse fjöl-,
Old English fela, feola "much, many",
Old English folgian,
Old Irish lan,
Welsh llawn "full"
Old Irish il,
Welsh elu "much".


gelek, zehf, zahf

Related words and phrases

accomplish, complete, compliment, comply, fill, folk, full, implement, manipulation, plenty, pleo-, plural, pluri-, plus, poly-, polyamorous, polyclinic, polygon, replenish, replete, supply.

Updated on September 15, 2023

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