
Definition of bar

load, to load, to take away, weight, air pressure, charge, bear

Example Sentences

Bar anîn: Bringing (something).
Mala xwe barkirin: They moved house.
Barê wî giran e: His load is heavy.


From Avestan bar "to take away, carry",

From Proto-Indo-European gwerə- "heavy",

Sanskrit guruh "heavy, weighty, venerable",
Greek baros "weight", barys "heavy in weight" or "strength, force",
Latin gravis, "heavy, ponderous, burdensome, loaded; pregnant",
Old English cweorn "quern",
Gothic kaurus "heavy",
Lettish gruts "heavy".

Related words and phrases

bar anîn "bring", bar giran "pregnant"

It forms or part of

aggravate, aggravation, aggrieve, bar "unit of pressure", bariatric, baritone, barium, barometer, blitzkrieg, brig, brigade, brigand, brigantine, brio, brut, brute, charivari, gravamen, grave (adj.), gravid, gravimeter, gravitate, gravity, grief, grieve, kriegspiel, guru, hyperbaric, isobar, quern, sitzkrieg.
Updated on September 30, 2023

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